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IndieCade Wiki

 •  Developer: Brent Garcia, Mo Belden, Christian Laboy, Board2Death Games LLC
 •  Year(s) Shown: 2017
 •  Platform: tabletop game
 •  Website:
About Brent Garcia, Mo Belden, Christian Laboy, Board2Death Games LLC

- Brent Garcia - Owner/Lead Developer
- Mo Belden - Owner/Lead Artist
- Christian Laboy - Owner/Creative Writer
- Michelle Bergeron - Business Lead
- Jeramy Campbell - Owner/Creative Developer

Story Master is a title featured at IndieCade 2017.

About Story Master

Story Master is a card game based on improvisation and quick wit. There are many ways to play, however the primary mode of play is to be dealt out five random cards and use the words on them to inspire a story. You are given sixty seconds to read your cards and tell your story, after which time your opponents must decide to veto any (or all) of your cards. each card that remains after the veto portion of the game is worth one point.


