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IndieCade Wiki
 •  Developer: Tracking Ida Team
 •  Year(s) Shown: 2017
 •  Website:
 •  Team: * Lishan AZ: Creative Director, Lead Designer
  • Jasmin Young: Subject Matter Expert, Writer
  • Marton Robinson: Art Director
  • Funkster Scerbak: Graphic Designer, Game Designer
  • Allison Comrie: Producer
  • Tonia Beglari: Producer
  • Emilia Yang: Producer, Game Designer
  • Yiwen Dai: Artist, Game Designer
  • Amy Huang: Artist, Game Designer
  • Gabriela Purri R. Gomes: Evaluation Co-Investigator
  • Morgan Collins: Writer

Tracking Ida is a title featured at IndieCade 2017.

About Tracking Ida

Tracking Ida is an educational alternate reality game (ARG) inspired by the pioneering investigative journalism of Ida B. Wells in the 1890s. Players uncover Ida B. Wells’ crusade against lynching and use her strategies to investigate police and vigilante killings today. Along the way, they solve puzzles, decode messages through a phonograph, role-play as investigative journalists, interview members of their community, and harness social media to spread awareness.

Players explore a trunk sent by Ida B. Wells. The trunk contains the salvaged evidence of Wells’ investigation into Memphis lynchings—what she managed to preserve after her newspaper office was burned down by a lynch mob in 1892. To keep these documents out of her persecutors’ hands, Wells secured them in locked compartments. Players solve puzzles to unlock each compartment in the trunk as they search for the map to her investigative tactics.


